11月4日: Portland Graduate Open House
Explore UNE's graduate programs in the College Of 口腔医学 and Westbrook College of 健康的职业.
加入UNE学院, 学生, and 招生 professional staff on the Portland Campus on Saturday, 11月4日, 2023, for a Graduate Degrees Open House. 在这次活动中, you will have the opportunity to delve into our leading health professions degree programs in 口腔医学, 物理治疗, 医师助理, Occupational Therapy, 药店, and Nurse Anesthesia. See the campus, get a feel for our community, and gain insights into your desired field. We look forward to welcoming you to UNE’s Portland campus.
Our office is ready and excited to support future 学生 in learning more about UNE. 电邮至 gradadmissions@gp508.net or fill out the meeting request form to connect with a counselor, and 认识我们的员工.
Interested in speaking directly with program faculty, professional staff, and current 学生? Check out all of our upcoming events for virtual and on-campus open houses, panels, and much more.
访问ing campus is one of the most important steps you’ll take in deciding which graduate or professional program is right for you. For a perfect introduction to UNE, take a student-led tour of our historic Portland campus or seaside Biddeford Campus. We’ll provide you with information pertaining to your program of interest, along with the opportunity to meet with our admissions coordinator who can answer admissions questions.
Please note that these are walking tours. If you or anyone in your party have mobility concerns, please connect with us prior to your visit.
For more information, contact our Portland Campus office at (207) 221-4225 or gradadmissions@gp508.net.
We are located in Hersey Hall room 108 at 716 Stevens Ave.缅因州波特兰.